Novel Electronic Sensor Can Sniff Food Freshness and Safety

By Alfred Gilbert

Wed, 25 Apr 2018

Orlando, Florida, April 2018 – FreshSurety Corporation, a venture funded technology company, have announced the release of their Videns sensing platform for food safety and freshness: a solution for monitoring fresh food biological processes and airborne molecules to better determine ripeness, condition, and screen for the presence of deadly pathogens.

Using highly sensitive battery-powered electronic devices that communicate over the Internet, Videns reports real-time location, safety, and quality of individual cartons at a cost of only a few cents per case. The sophistication of the platform enables worldwide usage, helping to support the efficiency and effectiveness of the global supply-chain.

FreshSurety’s CTO, John Hodges, explained, “Videns sensors deliver unmatched sensitivity and selectivity, with 38,000 data points per sample and detection limits in real world environments below 10 parts-per-billion.” He continued, “It’s an end-to-end solution capable of accessing the Internet from anywhere in the world with a Cloud-based machine learning system that converts complex information into actionable reports and recommendations.”

Tom Schultz, CEO of FreshSurety, said on the announcement, “We are thrilled to provide a solution to one of the world’s biggest challenges – delivering consistently fresh, safe food to consumers everywhere”. In the wake of the announcement, FreshSurety have confirmed partnerships with key market leaders to support the roll out of the Videns ethylene and ripeness monitoring service within the multi-billion-dollar fresh apple industry. They are also working with leading quick service restaurant (QSR) operators to develop a Videns food freshness and pathogen screening service for the 50,000 QSR locations across the U.S. 

FreshSurety have also entered into a strategic partnership with Challenge Advisory to manage their current funding round, as the company looks to significantly ramp-up its growth.

To learn more about FreshSurety, applications of the Videns sensing platform and their current fundraising activities, contact Challenge Advisory’s Chris Burns at

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Alfred Gilbert

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