What we do

M eeting the needs of a growing digital literate population, requires government to embrace technology and reimagine the citizen experience. A digital by default strategy must be at the heart of the public sector.

Our dual experience with government departments and private sector innovations, has positioned us to efficiently address public sector challenges using technology.

How we help

  • Government

    Digital strategy & redesign
    Building digital strategy and reshaping public sector organisations
  • Government

    Data analytics & AI
    Utilising big data and AI to unlock public sector potential
  • Government

    Smart cities integration
    Apply smart technology to build smart local government
  • Government

    Sourcing technology
    Bringing technology to government & the public sector


Read insights produced by our digital transformation team


The next era of public sector digital transformation

The second era of public sector digital transformation will focus on ‘digital by default’ strategies and will extend beyond the basics such as; tax, healthcare appointment setting and business registration.

Arthur Okun | Dec 2018


Public sector innovations of the present: Chatbots and AI for labour utilisation

At a market that was value at $113million in 2015, with a predicted growth to reach $994.5 million by 2024, we can say for certainty, chatbots have changed the dynamics of customer interaction in recent years.

Whalid Khan | Dec 2018


Public sector innovations of the future: Electronic medical records via digital twins

Globally each country has electronic health records (EHR’s), digitalised paper logs that provide a full medical history of each individual patient. With the advancements of digital software, are EHRs enough?

Dr Peter Jenkins | Jan 2018

What we think

By 2020, 5 billion people globally will have regular access to the internet. Growing pressures on the public sector and changing citizen expectations requires addressing the underperformance of public sector DT initiatives.

Delivery quality of public sector DT initiatives lack far behind their private sector counterparts. Functionality and user experience of online services also lag behind. Expertise in AI and big data in the public sector are missing. Lean innovation, design thinking and agile are not fundamental principals governing public sector organisations. The need for digital by default has never been greater.

Connect with the digital transformation team

We have delivered solutions for a wide range of global governments and public sector organisations.

Consulting services

We empower innovation to co-create the digital future